Elizabeth Connell and David Liddle

After lunch the house still cold. Practised Mendelssohn Sonata No. 6 this morning and listened to "Just a minute" on radio 4. There was an excellent service from St John's Cambridge on the radio this a.m. and evensong was from Chester cathedral. To the cathedral for the blind organist David Abrahamian Liddle's recital of Vierne's 6th sonata. Stunning playing! Then to Cadogan hall for Fidelio orchestral rehearsal. Long chat to Elizabeth Connell - she mentioned Scott Macrobert dying so young and said his mother died a week after returning to South Africa. She thinks Colin Hartley may come to the concert on Tuesday - he teaches music in Deal.


Edbowie said…
Yes, that was a magisterial account of Vierne's 6th; gripping from the first note to the last. I particularly enjoyed the Scherzo.

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