Snow and more snow

Liz was at Grandma's when the snow began so the car got left up there! By Monday morning London had the heaviest snow fall for 18 years. I left home around 7 a.m. and walked to Thornton Heath station. It was clear there were no buses or trains so after several mobile phone calls I stayed home all day. Caroline did drive in but it was decided to shut for the day as only a few staff were available. I read and finished the excellent Laura Marney book and watched recorded programmes notable The Quran and Turin Shroud, Britain from the air and most of "The Minotaur". I still have programmes on Sophiatown, immigrants, Barking and the Christmas lectures to watch.
Tuesday I waited an hour for a train at Norwood Junction. No bus either. The train driver announced at Clapham Junction that he was not stopping at Battersea park so I completed the journey on the bus arriving at 10 a.m. I took 90 minutes to get home on train and bus. The snow is melting but quite crisp. The sun on it this morning around the lake was quite lovely. The library was actually quite busy!


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