Choristers, monks and Catenians

At Friday's practice I was quite firm and insisted on everyone doing the exercises and warm-up. Saturday had a lie-in. I have finished "The 39 steps" for the reading group and enjoyed it if a little dated and imperialistic! I am currently enjoying "John" by Niall Williams (Tablet recommendation) and "Only strange people go to church" by Laura Marney. My Lenten reading is all set with new book by Gordon Giles, Timothy Ratcliffe and the Holy Spirit booklet.
To Hinsley Room for talk by Fr Augustine Hoey on a Way of life. He told us about monks and nuns and the questions were more interesting than the talk. John East and Louise Sage were there. These "Justice and Peace group" talks have little to do with J and P. Tablet has much about the Pope's decision to excommunicate Bishop Williamson who denies the Holocaust! How stupid can you get! Now we learn some Austrian priest who says hurricane Katrina was a retribution for homosexuality in New Orleans is to be a bishop! IS Bene determined to put his foot in it?
To vespers and Mass sung by choir of Felstead school directed by Oliver Brett. They were excellent and it was good to hear Joubert's O Lorde the maker of all thing. Victoria's last mass with us. Train and taxi to Chateau Napoleon for Catenian dinner to mark 1000th meeting £25 and £14 for bottle of wine. A good meal. Laurence and Kate Jones can be heavy going at times. The Garveys gave us a lift home.
Thought the choir sang well for Candlemas and the Mothers Union president preached. MU branch 80th birthday lunch and I won the quiz about 1928 - 26 out of 30. My prize a cross stitch by Janet which will live in the choir vestry! Heavy snow this evening so Liz left car at Grandma's. Watched end of Island parish on the great storm and the Scilly boys rowing across the Atlantic. Songs of Praise, Antiques roadshow, Lark Rise and Attenborough on Darwin, also a bit of Birtwistle's opera "The Minotaur".


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