Turn of the screw

To spirituality day led by Mary Leigh on "Love is patient". Contemplated Holman Hunt's "Light of the world" and there is certainly more to this picture than I had realised. I always found the pre-Raphaelites too realistic but this is a fine picture. In the afternoon found St Therese's meditation on Corinthians 13 in last month's Oremus and her powerful message about being Love in the church. The recent amazing relics visit was all about Love! To Tate Britian listening to evensong from Salisbury. Wonderful Turner and the Masters exhibition with some lovely Watteaus and Claudes not to mention Rembrandts. The Turner Prize 4 were interesting if a bit disturbing - using brain matter - yuk! To Trafalgar square and had a duck wrap at Pret a manger. To ENO to meet Liz (she had been at Bow about drains and collecting paint so had brought car up). Superb production of "Turn of the screw" with Rebecca Evans and Ann Murray on fine form conducted by the ever youthful Sir Charles Mackerras. Balcony full. Is this is a moral tale as evil triumphs and Miles is dead at the end? I rather think not!


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