St Cecilia

Wednesday to St Paul's cathedral for the festival of St Cecilia. Nasty fanfare trumpets from the back of the nave. Alistair from the cathedral was there as part of the worshipful company of musicians and we also saw Sr Stella. Sitting halfway down the nave, the combined choirs of Westminster Abbey, Cathedral and St Paul's were too far to the left and the new console too prominent. The boys were on the floor and couldn't be seen at all. Excellent new anthem by Cecilia McDowell and Stanford For lo I raise up. Sermon on music in difficult times by the Revd Dr Carolyn Hammond Dean of Gonville and Caius Cambridge. 3 good hymns "Thy hand O God" (Basil Harwood's anniversary) God is love and There's a wideness to Coverdale Maurice Bevan's tune. Chris Hollis told me later that Martin Baker could not hear the organ from the console! Canon Christopher and Fr Swavek spotted us!
To Southwark Bridge to find 344 bus stop not working and works on the bridge. Eventually bus came and I was late at the power station for presentation about the 16-19 learning for life diploma. Spoke to teacher from Salesian college and Delroy from the youth offending team. I have had success from work experience and young volunteers becoming staff members. To Hammersmith hospital on the tube and walked from White City via BBC media centre. Took a while to find Weston ward. Zia and Fiona there. Doris in isolation but very cheerful. I stayed for 90 minutes and her nephew from Harlow very nice. had a good chat and the chocolate rolls were approved by the dietician! To Islington St Mary's to rehearse MacMillan St John Passion (men only). Took a while to find the lights only to reveal half the big modern church in Egyptian style was full of Christmas cards! Big organ at the back. Bus tube and train home by 9.40! Watched an Island parish.
Thursday smell from carpet better. Ruby as annoying as ever - she is due to be moved. To cathedral for first part of diocesan clergy requiem. Fr Ed was remembered. Archbishop spoke very well. The opening hymn was "Jerusalem the golden". To rehearsal for carol concerts although first bit was opening of Christmas oratorio for concert I am not doing and no score so shared. Gill passed her reaudition - seems Edward does not like people singing Faure Pie Jesu! Jackie wants to know when Liz will be back! She is due to be heard again by Edward.


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