Services at Margate

St Simon the Zealot Trafalgar
Rose early for 7 a.m. Eucharist with John preaching brilliantly. Dad would be so proud to hear him. Then to St Simon's Trafalgar where I played for the service. This included the Lees Lord's prayer which Dad incinerated at St Mark's! Gloria quite nice. This was much appreciated - the organ is an electronic which is no great shakes but at least it has a full pedalboard. Great tea afterwards with chocolate cake. John and Ann took us to lunch at Riptide above Southbroom beach and we enjoyed seafood. Had a sleep after lunhc. Found I woke at 4 and 5 am but slept in between.
Monday was John's day off and so he took us to visit Jenny Mitchell on her farm. Fascinating historical material and she lent me 3 books. We saw where the June floods had swept all away. Also about the Royal visit in 1947. Then down to Port Edward to tour a coffee farm whcih was interesting and we went up the lighthouse. We had lunch at the coffee farm. I had not been so far south on this coast before.
At 5.30 a bible study group on Romans 1 which was lively especially Penny and Mona!


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