Lake Eland and Oribi gorge

Tuesday 16th First to Shelley BEach but the rock pool bleak and windy too. To Lake Eland where we saw eland, blesbuck, zebra, monkeys (Vervet and Samango) impala, warthogs. Bought a wooden mother and child. Then drove through Oribi gorge - lovely scenery. In the evening to Hibiscus choir rehearsal for carols - not bad. Andrew was there who had preached at Trafalgar. Also Wyn who had been at dinner on Monday. Choir not bad - extraordinary piano arrangements with wierd harmonies. Played Ann's piano and discovered Rutter's Angels carol in the stool and the South African national anthem. John does most of the cooking and he does it really well and we enjoyed real porridge and paw paw for breakfast on the stoep with it's stunning view out to sea.


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