Spirituality and squirrels

Tuesday pest control turned up and put down poison for the squirrels in the ceiling voids. It is the nesting season. How they got in is another question. If it dies the smell will be horrid - it was awful last time! To Catenian council meeting at Kevin's - very positive. Wednesday early to Mayday hospital for blood test and then swam 20 lengths. Spoke to Ann. To osteopath and Julia very pleased with me and I am feeling much better. Even left shoulder is better. To spirituality day at Hinsley Room. Decided to get tube from Southwark to Westminster and wished I had got tube to Victoria from there as the 24 bus stop in Whitehall was gone in improvement works. As a result has to walk to opposite Horse Guards where Burma Star association were laying wreaths at statue of Orde Wingate I think. As a result I was late. Eileen McDade did an excellent session on Jesus the teacher and looked at parables. I chose the wedding feast one which is puzzling. Home to help put compost in front garden tubs for pansies which replace busy lizzies which were not good this year - too much rain!


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