Paul and Hadrian

Wednesday spoke to Ann and Dennis. Ann had enjoyed the wedding DVD. To Appointed by God group. 5 came. Problems getting key - nobody in clergy house but Indra knew that there had been a leak in the Hinsley Room gents loo and John Daly let us in through the kitchen and brought the keys. Interesting chat about suffering and offering up our weakness to God. To St Michael's for part of Peter Litman's recital - Terence there. Francaix, Handel and Borowski. Train and tube to British Museum. Got student discount so hired audio guide which was very good. Hadrian exhibition is smashing - in the reading room and very well presented although a lot of people there and never saw Jewish revolt stuff. Bought postcards of Antinous and Egyptian mummy portraits. To cathedral for Opus Dei 80th anniversary Mass with Cardinal who tripped after the homily.He left out Kyrie and Gloria and said "Lamb of God" instead of Behold the Lamb of God! Communion torch with Liz - too many chiefs again! I'm not that keen on Opus Dei any way. Got a sandwich and Liz went to Confirmation planning meeting with new Fr Michael. I to Appointed by God presentation by Fr Michael O'Boy. I commented on his generalisation about Protestant communities adopting an individualistic approach to the Bible and said Catholics were sometimes very uninterested in the community around them and Protestant communities were often more closeknit being smaller with only one Sunday service. Sill it was a good presentation and met several people. To Zizzis for calzome and tiramisu with Fr Michael, Liz, Paul C and Feliz which was lovely. As car was at Selhurst could not drink much wine.


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