Old Johannians

Soweto squatter camp, St John's College between Pelican and David quad, John, Richard Else, John Fulton, Michael Matthews on the morning of the reunion
Posting the South African photos on Face book has led to some great comments and information about those present. It really was a super trip. Tony Palik comments on the Soweto photos too. A house costing $100! Makes you think in the present economic climate! Been busy at work. Thursday to Age concern meeting and did minutes. Claire Kakembo was holding forth a lot about how she can fix computers! Gillian McGrandles has settled in well. To park in glorious autumn sunshine and the trees all turning.
Spoke to Dennis on phone and Liz went to Bow for the national energy survey. At choir Molly and Ella are greatly improved and wearing cassocks after all! Only 4 there. Jenny cross that choir not singing at evening confirmation but it when I am away and the choir has a large workload. Watched "Beautiful people" - hilarious comedy about growing up gay in Reading.


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