Paul, Islam, Rothko, Meireles, Rawles

Spoke to Ann and reinvited her to the blog. To Hinsley Room for session on Paul - 9 came. One lady berated me about interfaith group - classic case of not listening to another point of view! To St Michael's West Croydon for recital by Martyn Rawles of Lichfield cathedral - the last of this year's series. He plays very well. Michael Berkeley sonata, Vierne, Widor, Walton and Elgar's Coronation march 1911. Met Sr Mary Clement on way out - she was delighted to see me and asked after Liz. Train to London Bridge and walked to Tate Modern. Preferred the Cildo Meireles installations to the Rothkos! Back to Hinsley Room adn 12 came for interfaith group. Ebrahim Rashid from Hyderi Islamic centre in Streatham spoke well. I had to collect him from Victoria. Next meeting is January. On buses to Holborn and Conway Hall home of humanism with a Bertrand Russell room for another Berlioz piano rehearsal with Brian Wright. Home and fell asleep watching Gryff Rhys Jones in Paris!


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