Reading group lunch

Mike came to fix last of curtains and did Glyn Close ones. Bed delivered up there by Reeves would not go through front door so will be changed! To Battersea Park for reading group lunch at Italian restaurant - £20 because of service charges added - very nice food and company. Changed underpants at M & S. Tate Britain Barry Flanagan early works - like the hares. Tea in members room which will soon be replaced by a new larger room. Vespers O antiphon said much to my disappointment. Fr Michael at mass. 4th candle reluctant to light for Eugene - sticky tape over the wick! Stopper in water came off so panic - I ended up with censer! Harley joined us. Madam Butterfly from the Met on radio on way home - Liz brought car as she brought up iced Christmas cake, January music list done - still have to decorate my cake - marzipan is on and grout my latest project.


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