Carols and waiting

At Coulsdon we sang "Rejoice in the Lord alway" really well. Tony Trent sang alto which helped. I had lunch and practised with Sean and on the organ. 2 p.m. rehearsal for 3  p.m. carols - Adrian played and all went really well - all the practising paid off! Mulled wine and mince pies. Nice to have Francis singing and gave him a lift to East Croydon. Trees up and started decorating.
Monday woke 5 a.m. and 7.15 and then at 8.10 having dreamt about Malcolm and the kids. To mosaic and completed the project for Christmas - just some sticking and grouting to do at home. Tai chi - Tony was late so we were larking about a bit. Council guys came and assured us class would continue. To the Plough restaurant which was a disaster -  90 minutes wait for food which was overpriced. 2 ladies turned down their meagre egg and chips for £4.50 so I gave them some of my chips. To Heythrop for Sr Hilda coming into the chapel Vespers. Jon Dal Din and 2 Sisters of Sion were there. Home to more tree decorating and University challenge and Young Apprentice won by the formidable Zara.


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