Sr Hilda Denyer R.I.P.

To Heythrop to be early for 11 a.m. requiem. I was usher asking people if they were going to receive communion - not a good idea at an ecumenical interfaith event! It was a beautiful service with music chosen by Hilda and Fr Robin gave an excellent homily. At the end we sang Be still my soul and watched the cars go off then to an excellent catered lunch in the convent. Alfred Agius, Nagase, Sr Margaret, Jon Dal Din and Sr Clare from Oxford who was at Roscrea. Reading library, meal in dining room and Philip came. Last session of the module so given essay questions to choose from, discussion about the course and returned assessment form on which I was quite frank! To Acton and woke at 5 a.m. so got up and read Nicholas Boyle The Way we are now. To interfaith group - delay getting key. 5 came and I talked about our journey. Met Liz at Chiswick and Ciaran had been to a play at Watermans as there was no music.


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