2 organ recitals

Had a lie-in after a restless night during which I dreamed about the Queen! Sent off 6 CDs to Old Johannians in U.K. and John East. Per Thunarf from Stockholm played well at St Michael's. Gigout, Lemmens, Swedish composers and Hesse. Nice to see Dorio - he seems to be getting deaf. To dentist and had to wait. I am to have a denture and 2 top teeth taken out which should improve my smile! To meet Bruce at Queensway and hand over theatre tickets then back on bus to cathedral for excellent recital by Johannes Geffert from Cologne. Bruhns, Bach (with scores), Vierne, Schumann and Liszt. Saw Rosa, Martin Ball, Peter Stevens and Andrew Cessana. Watched Great British bake off and Educating Yorkshire.


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