Walk to freedom

Wednesday our pick up Ishmael arrived at 8 a.m. instead of 8.30 a.m. Picked up 2 honeymoon couples and went to Bokaap with brightly painted houses and mosque then to District Six museum which was fascinating. I had forgotten about bioscopes! We saw the District Six memorial park and then drove to Langa township where we bought a ceramic plate made locally and had a walk. The shanty town was quite shocking - so much needs to be done to address poverty and unemployment.  When we got to the Robben Island museum we were informed that the ferry was not running so we got a transfer to 1 p.m. tomorrow. Driver came to take us back home where we found that the bus stop roadworks crew were working on the pavement in front of the gate. Also Linda came to check on the house. Any way they guided me out and we went to Kirstenbosch. Another stunning day and the ride was well worth the money. We would never have gone so far. We had tea and the gardens are so lovely. Colin rang so we are now on internet. Decided not to go to Paul Deveaux's after all - lovely sunset. Spoke to the boys and Lyn Callan on Skype. 


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