2 organ recitals

Liz went to Acton to babysit. I got bus to St George;s cathedral Southwark as there was a big match on. Jonathan Rennert played superbly and we could watch him on the screens. The Dorian, Boyce, Moore, Darke and Willan. He remembered me! The new Romero cross is too big for the chapel! To Tate modern to see Paul Klee but there were far too many people there and the canvases are small. Across Millenium bridge to get buses to Bloomsbury Baptist for David Pipe playing Stanford, Bull, Huw Morgan and Harold Britton (both present) and George Haynes. Had to walk further as bus stop closed so missed vespers. Fr Michael Quaqoe welcomed me back and asked after Liz. EJ and Bruce went to Greenwich. Watched University challenge.


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