
An excellent breakfast and Ken advised a drive up the mountain on the Rotary way to get an overview. It was overcast so we saw the new harbour and then drove to various viewpoints to see a large whale ending up at the lovely Blue Flag Grotto beach. We had coffee at Dutchies cafe and watched a large busload of mixed race men unloading their braai. Had a look at Roman rock and then returned to the room for a quiet afternoon. At 4.30 we set out again and saw 2 female whales with calves one of which was white. Found the restaurant at last and then to St Peter's for choral evensong with a competent choir and organ - a little slow and Victorian tunes including Nearer my God to Thee! A rambling sermon from Fr Adrian - he's no preacher! He said that Elizabeth Cherry was worn down by the parish when Len died and the choir members said she was very distant. No idea what has happened to my godson Jonathan Cherry! We had an excellent meal at Ocean Basket and dodged the rain. Prawns, angelfish and calamari and cappuccino cup ice cream. 


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