50 year reunion

Friday October 4th a day to remember always! Met at 8.30 Colin Robinson (who has not changed a bit), Quentin in charge of cash and badges (somewhat shaky), Fuzzy, Paul Deveaux  and George the manager joined us for our planning meeting. We all have our allotted tasks. It seems amazing that the great day has finally come after so many emails and Skype chats. The CD is a lovely production and a  Power point has been prepared. Colin later produced a printed version for people to see. Liz handed Quentin a large sum of Rands to cover the CDs for the British guys. As a result we  took a drive to the Bank at Killarney Mall going down Munro Drive. The Houghton streets seem pretty deserted compared to other places. The stories people tell are fascinating especially about Yeoville. At 11 a.m. I enjoyed an hour on the chapel organ – the school is as stunningly beautiful as ever. Met Fr Jaques and Cameron Macintosh the head of music who was very friendly and explained about the double touch pistons. The organ is showing signs of age and some parts needed tuning. I played most of my recital programme very happily and Liz checked on balances. I visited Jenny in the library and she looked up Rosebank Catholic church and rang Pretoria cathedral. I rang Ronnie Gill and Ronnie Jones and spoke to both of them and made arrangements (at last). Back to the club house for lunch of salad. Liz just had toast as she was complaining of tummy. Ant Gear was saying did I not resent being excluded e.g. as scorer I was not on the photo but I said I just accepted it all. What I really loved was being in our A form class and we worked together very well as a group. By 3 a large number had gathered and it was so good to greet people – the name badges large size made all the difference.
Jennie took us to see the new Hill house and we saw a classroom and the dormitories very different to the primitive conditions of the 60s. We met a couple of black students.  Prahm told me how much weight he lost because of the poor food at school. We also saw Alston house and the corridor of sport team photos. I would much rather have seen the Prep but we have been there on a previous occasion. We ended in the Pelican quad and I ushered people to tea in the Common room. Liz did a great job serving tea which the staff did not do! Some people went to the museum. I gave Jennie Millward a mosaic as she had given me a book by Hugh Lewin.
Johann Strauss’s sons arrived with their delightful children and I took them to see Johann’s photos in the Cricket XI. Then we went into chapel and I began to play at 5 just after the clock chimed! All wentd well and I played Prelude on Slane by Thiman and the Water music suite. Fr Jaques was excellent and Mike Matthews read the names of the deceased (an emotional moment). I am glad a psalm was added to the service. We ended with Nun danket and Karg-Elert. The service sheet was a work of art in itself! And back to the club for a very good reception with lovely eats and plenty to drink. I got an engraved glass mug. John Kane-Berman spoke very well and Roger Cameron the head gave a good speech. I presented him with the CD. Fuzzy gave Jennie Ponder her present. I was able to give Colin and Stan Trollip (I had forgotten how tall he is) their mosaics and CDs. I made a point of speaking to everyone and had some lovely chats to wives as well. Class photos were taken – it was a bit like herding cats but I know the whole thing was a resounding success and my playing was much appreciated. It was nicely ironic as when I was at school I was excluded from music.

Among many chats Alistair MacDuff told me Colin Hartley had visited him and talked about me and I said he was always so odd around me! Of course the club was Alistair’s home. Yolande Fulton told me about her grandmother’s paintings. Paul Deveaux had a good chat and invited us to visit. John Thing was much missed. Blair Henderson who was married at St Mark’s Yeoville told me it is now a Nigerian church and the organ pipes were sold as scrap metal which is tragic. Liz went to bed early complaining of some discomfort in her chest and being cold. It was a superb day with a clear blue sky and the flowering trees in blossom. Joan Stokes chatted about their forthcoming trip to New Zealand. I eventually got to bed at 11.30 a.m. I woke at 2 a.m. and typed this. I probably had too much beer and coke! The worrying thing is that people are coming to hear me play at Parktown but there is nothing I could do about that now. I will just have to apologise and do my best with the limited practice time. Apparently the organist is coming. 


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