Ecclesiam suam conference

Monday a.m. trains to Strawberry Hill and installed in comfortable room (although the bed was a bit narrow and I woke early every time). Unfortunately I managed to leave my conference file with my notebook and sketchbook behind so have to work from memory. The speakers were outstanding with contributions from Jerusalem, Rome, USA, Rome, Bangalore, Prague and Malta and from all over the country. I have made some new friends and contacts not least interfaith folk from Birmingham and Newcastle. We began with Norman Tanner on the history. It seems Paul VI in this encyclical influenced the Council and began the dialogue emphasis. Gavin d'Costa and Damian Howard and David McLoughlin were prominent. Mark Langham and Robin Gibbons came for 2 sessions and  Kallistos Ware. Abbot Timothy Wright introduced Of Gods and men and it was wonderful to see the film again and learn more of its context. On the Tuesday Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated Mass and attended the reception and dinner. The Papal Nuncio came and Archbishop Kevin was chatty and signed the book I bought. How lucky I am to have all this on a bursary! Ate too much and came back on train with Sr Margaret Shepherd and Fr Jose Nandhikkara.


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