3 great recitals

Worked on programme for concert. To St George Beckenham for Travis Baker playing Vierne, Mulet and Bach. He is lovely to watch and I sketched him at the console. Met Fr Tom Creagh-Fuller on the train - have not seen him since last year and seen him twice in 4 days! Met Harry Groome and Robert Cooper our piano tuner. Gave out recitals posters and several people said they would come. To Christ Church Chelsea which has a fine Flentrop. Very hot. Tak Man Chow played her end of year performance - Bach, Buxtehude, Hindemith and Reger. It was all a but academic and dry. To Acton and spent a happy time with the boys and picked up Louise and Sean from the gym. He had loved the concert. To St John Notting Hill for Nigel Allcoat's improvised concert and he had the bass scholar singing the chant which he managed to get wrong a couple of times! Nice to meet a Facebook friend - Nigel is great fun! I drew the eagle above the organ which looks more like a dove. Watched D day 70th commemorations from France - most impressive.


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