May 1

 Interesting dream about Christmas featuring a little girl with black hair and a long dress (maybe thinking of choir or possible granddaughter?). St Joseph the worker. Excellent Belmont retreat on Thomas with Mass. Had a look at Migrants Mass from St William of York - 4 servers and singers at a mike near sanctuary!! Bishop Paul. Fine recital by David Halls from Salisbury. New ear moulds came but I shall wait for the new hearing aids to come. Lovel calendars from Catherine in Glasgow Jesuits in Scotland produced them. Colin Baldy songs from St Edmundsbury cathedral. Enjoyed May day morning from Oxford - it was prerecorded. Vespers from Belmont. Sarah Macdonald at Gonville and Caius. Jonathan Scott playing at St Leonrard, Middleton. 

Sunday played Thalben-Ball and Willan on Vulpius (copy needs repairing) Bach preludes for Eastertide. We sang Good Christians all and The Call RVW. Saw Jacob's sheep on Kenley common. Zoom chat with Caterham folk. Enjoyable recital from Paul Carr at Holy Trinity Wordsley. Good sermons from Fr John Pritchard and Fr Bruno Clifton.  Watched Greta No. 3. Love the Truro G7 song.BBC Young musician won by Fang Zhang the percussionist  - I was right. Oboe and horn were very good but he was stunning! Call the midwife was lovely. 

Monday Bank Holiday. Woke too late for Joshua Ryan's MMus recital at RAM. Blackfriars SS Philip and Jude. Henry was a great help moving items down the garden ready for the shed delivery on Saturday! We did some paintings of snails despite the wind! And read some Little Red train books! Chester zoo. Nazareth community National Covid memorial wall. SMITF Imogen Holst. A beautiful Winter's Tale on BBC4.

Tuesday SMITF and Blackfriars English Martyrs. Essex interfaith zoom. Peter Godden playing Howells at King's Lynn. Great exhibition talk. The wind and rain have stripped our tulips and blown some of the items moved yesterday all over the place! Looks like the idea of looking for bluebells today is not going to happen especially as the district nurse has not appeared so far! Call my agent very good. Do not like Lupin. Quiet time. Roger Sayer playing at the Temple. Sir Mark Elder conducting RAM SO Haydn symphony 64, CPE Bach, Mozart.  St Edmundsbury cathedral voluntary. Society of women organists video, First part of Art and Christianity seminar on museum displays of votive objects including from Vietnam war memorial. Inspiring zoom Faiths Forum Nature and Faith in Christian and Islam perspectives . Quarn quotes! Good for networking too! Enjoyed Our Yorkshire farm. The jewellery programme disappointing.


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