Organists AGM and Catenian conference

 Nazareth community walk in Windsor Great park using the Book of Joy. Catenian conference well organised and presented - at last a brother without a tie! Archbishop Bernard Longley spoke well about the home and family and evangelisation. Zoom chat to Eddie O'Donnell and stressed we now need hybrid meetings and conferences to reach those who can no longer come to meetings. Blackfriars, Alexander Woodrow playing Guilmant at Leeds Minster. To St Michael Beckenham for organists association AGM and a unique recital with 3 duets by married couples! I had not been there since I left 4 years ago. After all the fuss a kitchen and foyer have been added but the main fabric has not changed. The paintings by Alan Burtenshaw's brother have all been taken down and the font has been moved onto the apse. The tuning of the organ did not disturb me as much as it used to (it depends if the music is chromatic and which key you are playing in) but I thought the soft stops seemed very subdued. After 3 years I have come off the committee - actually been on it for far longer than that! I am organising a visit to Arundel cathedral organ in July. Liz came. It is good that Jonathan Holmes is setting up a Christian Strover memorial fund to support young organists. Saw rest of Becket miracle windows talk from British Museum. Another fine Belmont Abbey retreat from Dom Brendan. Vespers. The end of Trevor McDonald's Indian adventure. We were lucky to visit the Taj Mahal when we did. 


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