Christmas Eve

Up at 6.30 a.m. 2 buses to Caterham as train replaced by bus at that time but now running. Played Gordon Slater on "St Botolph" as we sang my favourite Marian hymn "For Mary mother of our Lord". Beautiful tune. I am afraid " Shall we not love thee mother dear" feels very Victorian. We sang "People look East" which seems very appropriate as people were very busy after service preparing for Christingle and Midnight. I think I have 4 sopranos tonight so descants are on. Lloyd Webber on Helmsley a great piece and also played Noel pour L'Amour de Marie. Compliments about carol service but more importantly ecumenical first. Washing put away, presents wrapped, dishwasher loaded. Delicious ham lunch with squeak and Aldi Chrstmas pudding. Can now settle down to listen to King's - let Christmas begin! Served at 6 p.m. mass at the cathedral which was packed. Blessing of the crib. Ex-choristers sang lovely Reger and Stille nacht. Missa de angelis not familiar to many. Splendid King's thought the men seemed louder this year? Francis Jackson carol excellent. Howells A spotless rose and Darke lovely. One hour sleep now to drive to Caterham and Liz is getting a lift to St John's. 30 minute drive to Caterham. Went well 4 sopranos and I sang On Christmas night and Rocking. I played Chauvet Noel and Pachelbel Von himmel hoch. We had incense and a sung preface. Nice bottle of wine. Home at 1.05 and Liz came just after me. In the car I was enjoying Christmas in Coulsdon CD made in 2005 and rather good.O

30 minute drive to Caterham. Went well 4 sopranos and I sang On Christmas night and Rocking. I played Chauvet Noel and Pachelbel Von himnel hoch. We had incense and a sung preface. Nice bottle of wine. Home at 1.05 and Liz came just after me. In the car I was enjoying Christmas in Coulsdon CD made in 2005 and rather good.
One hour sleep now to drive to Caterham and Liz is getting a lift to St John' hour sleep now to drive to Caterham and Liz is getting a lift to St John's.


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