
We sang Creator of the stars of night arranged John Scott. I played Bairstow and Sumsion on Veni Emmanuel and Flor Peeters on Conditor alme. A train full of noisy loud 20 something's. Nice lunch. One of my Advent meditation books makes the good point that Paul's "Rejoice in the Lord always!" is an impossible idea. However the way forward is to be grateful for everything and turn that into prayer and joy will follow. Watched Mary Berry at Goodwood house and showjumping from Olympia. For evensong played Willan on Bristol and Flor Peeters on St Stephen and Wachet auf. Very annoyed to find that my parking place outside my house has been taken and for the second time the bollards have gone as well! How dare they take them away! Sports non personalityof the year. Sir Mo won. Liz gone to Clare's. Ciaran playing his new guitar on Whatsapp. Apprentice joint winners! 


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