
Drive to Crayford for the moving funeral of Catenian Brian McKie. Church packed and he was a stalwart and great example to all. Always cheerful. Bernice his wife is a special minister as he was and I found it so right to receive the chalice from her. We are the Body of Christ United in joy and sorrow. So sad that their daughter died and Brian remained faithful to the end. Much discussion over tea about conference and our motions which I think we will withdraw. Home to change and then to see Clare and a great chat. To Whitechapel gallery for tea and saw some modern art and a film about the French ambassador's wife in Burkina Faso. To Greatorex St to see beautiful icons by Nelson Ferreira and a lovely chat to Christopher Lane. To Acton. Ciaran was great at assembly with his new haircut and playing the drum. To Wimpole Street for introduction to clinical trials re Alzheimer's. I might have the right genes to take part. Patrick Hopper played an unusual programme at St Stephen Wallbrook with an entertaining rumba by Pierre Cholley.  Bedrooms of London by Kate Wilson at Foundling museum. It is shocking that children should live in such conditions. And we wonder why we have knife crime, drugs and gangs. These photos should be shown at House of Commons and City Hall to make politicians wake up. We need more services like libraries and youth provision. Bring back Surestart it worked! We need to tackle root causes and end child poverty.Many of the children had high aspirations. Ate at Pret. To Estorick to see Melotti and film on Italian design. To choir practice and new tenor David doing well. 


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