Mother's day

Mothering Sunday and a church full of cubs and brownies. Played Bach, Lascaux Fugue and Vierne Berceuse for the prayers as everyone wrote names on their rose picture. I played this at the crem for Mum and Dad. We sang For the beauty of the earth by Andrew Carter and a piece Oscar brought using Tallis Canon and I played Peeters on the tune. Fr Jerry's reflection on celebrity mothers and what they call their children amuses me. Crazy to call your child Sir! Quite a lot to play but it went well. Actually 16 pieces of music! Salisbury cathedral evensong not very inspiring. Worked on jigsaw. Excellent lunch of lamb shank and poor man's Viennetta! At evensong we sang Walmisley in D minor and O pray for the peace of Jerusalem by Howells. I read the first lesson Manasseh's plea. Liz got lovely chocs from Bruce.  Nice to see June who had come for Mary Johnson's 90th birthday. The rose altar frontal dedicated in memory of Marshall. I showed them the Leslie Craske leaflet from Guernsey. 


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