Children in need

To mosaic but Linda had forgotten keys so by the time the door key and then the cupboard key were retrieved I did about 25 minutes work and then got train to West Norwood and bus to surgery for Dr Ojo to remove stitches. Wound is good and covered for 2 more days. He chased referral about my feet to Bowley Close. Watched Antiques roadshow from Wrest Park. Post Office to send parcel to Jersey. To see the film Capernaum originally called Chaos in Arabic on recommendation of Barbara at mosaic class. Very moving and disturbing. How many similar children are in poverty on the streets of the world and in this country? Go and see it. It is good that children are given a voice. To meditation and 4 there. Found it hard to concentrate after such a disturbing film and Fr John's comment last night that there are families on the local estate in one room. 


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