Guernsey 1

Uber to East Croydon. Breakfast at Gatwick Avirgny flight delayed but arrived 11.30. Hertz car rep met us and the Ford Corsa is an upgrade. Did not really want this as it is wider than our Jazz and the roads are narrow with granite walls! 25 mph speed limit in towns. Drive to Hotel Peninsula comfortable, recently refurbished.To Guernsey museum to get Discovery Passes. Lovely park, birds singing, Spring flowers. Guernsey tapestry is lovely and good audioguide. Museum is good. Cake and ice cream at Cafe Victoria. Drive to the Rockmount but pricey so after walk on Cobo Bay beach delicious cod and chips. Lovely sunset from ridge above hotel overlooking the sea. Jim and Maureen Saunders on our place and 4 couples from Province 7. Watched Blackadder II.

Friday good breakfast and slept right through. To German Occupation museum. The little roads are confusing and tiring. Very interesting and good videos. Keep meeting Catenians. To Fort Grey shipwreck museum great views over the sea and a Roman ship. Bought presents. St Apolline chapel patron saint of dentists, mediaeval fresco and stained glass. The Little Chapel covered in bits of pottery is lovely. Tried to find St Saviours church so went on to Fort Hommet which contains the shrine of the Sacred Heart (closed). Geoff and Ann Skelton arrived. Lovely weather. Good dinner at hotel.

Saturday interesting chat at breakfast about Mandela. Chat to John Hogan about Flame. 80 went on bus tour. We went to Chateau Cornet where Fred Guillaume gave us a tour and we bought his book. Firing of noon gun. RAF 201 Squadron museum. Lady fell and hurt her head ambulance came. Museum very good. To German naval signal HQ another excellent tour and video by a real enthusiast. Tea and cake at Le Friquet garden centre and Liz bought shoes.
500th meeting of Guernsey circle black tie. The lady who fell was Hilary Murphy wife of a Bournemouth brother and she had been flown to Southampton with a blood clot on the brain and later possible heart problem. After the meeting which was well prepared and Chris was admitted I spoke to two Bournemouth brothers one of them a doctor. The meal was very good 160 there and £700 raised for charities. Long chat to Eddie from Stirling and Geoff and Jim supported me. South African teachers in Guernsey circle and Ann daughter of late Eric Considine cathedral info desk. 1 million marched against Brexit. Bed at 11.45.


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