Pink panther

Radio service from Bath Ethiopian Orthodox.  Music today Benedictus by Couperin, Prelude on Fulda by Thalben-Ball, My eyes for beauty pine by Howells, Toccata and fugue in D minor by Gary Sieling which was much enjoyed. Was that the Pink Panther you played today? Coffee and cake and chat to Elaine - good to have her back again so I did not have to sing today at all! Chat to Bruce - his birthday. We had a talk by the diocesan adviser on generous giving. Strictly, Lewis and Harris with Ben Fogle, Mating game. The Larkins. 

Monday Sean came to paint bedroom cupboard doors. SM, S and B. Colette's meeting on investments. To post office to post calendar to Oz and return 2 alarms - the batteries had gone so they were replaced. We now have voicemail on our phone account. Watched the rest of Ian McKellen. The speakers at STMIF on climate were outstanding. Only connect, University challenge, Blair and Brown and the Iraq war. I didn't go on the zoom for the Balham meeting. 

Tuesday woke at 5 then slept to nearly 11! S and B. Essex chat. Seminar from Cambridge on mental health - sound very boomey. Quiet time. Sent letter about Nov 28 - 6 booked. Some emails rejected. Gresham on how the financial system works. SMITF creation group. Bake off. Alex Scott on Who do you think you are.

Wednesday SM, S and B. Piano. Meditatio. Balance exercises. Moderated Sisters of Sion with Maureen Sier from Glasgow - very pertinent. It went well. Terry spoke really well to the LSi animators and I recorded it. Repair shop. Yorkshire farm. Liz cooked omelettes - delicious! Gresham lecture on plot in novels. Would I lie to you?


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