
 Thursday SM Swk and B. To art at AgeUK. Did some sketches from photos. Long chat to Bridgid - Stepehn is in Marsden Chelsea and she cannot visit. Art is a good thing to be doing. Returned home to find a fixed penalty notice from my trip to Owen hearing in Tennison Road so have filled it in online. Not sure I will be allowed to do a course again. Surprised as I am very careful about speed. Watched churches trust lecture on relics and the traffic in them. Fascinating Gresham lecture on Richard III and Leicester. Paula Gooder on parables. Garden some clearing up. Chat about Borg book with Caterham folk. Handmade woodworking, shop well for green. 

Friday up late - felt cold in bed and woke several times. SM, S and B. Piano. Watched a bit of Gresham lecture on Jewish state. Jab no 3 at Beckenham pharmacy. All very straightforward. SMITF tea chat. Nathan Laube opening Canterbury more impressed by Adrian Bawtree's programme. Why did Nathan choose to play transcriptions of Liszt and Wagner rather than proper organ music like Bach? Showing off? 

Tony Robinson on the Thames and lovely programme about Alaska railroad. Very odd zoom with Ahmadiyyas. The imam seemed totally out of touch. James Lewis did well. Bake off extra slice. Judy Dench on Who do you think you are with a lovely link to Elsinore.

Saturday Nazareth community Hampstead Heath and Keats, Swk. Hurtado. Top girls by Caryl Churchill from the National theatre - terrific. Fleabag and Ian McKellen from NT. Strictly. 


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