Thursday SM, S and B. To art for 45 minutes and sketched a new picture based on a photo of the trees taken this morning - the golden light was amazing! There were some new people there. Parking was bad but I was lucky on my second circuit. Straight to Friends house and parked there. Set up the zoom and 3 people were on it. 18 came and very nice bring and share lunch. It was great to be back after so many months. We all introduced ourselves and then Revd Chris Brice spoke about the London churches refugee fund - he was so clear. We took a photo with the plum tree. Ivor is more frail but still with it! Seminar on fossil fuel divestment - 74 churches/dioceses have done so. Gresham lecture on Timbuktu libraries. Shop green for less. Homemade. 

Friday most of the day on the video story board and additional script. SM S and B. Tea at SMITF. Zoom Southwark animators only 4 of us. Come dine with me. 

Saturday Nazareth cross has arrived - it is simple wood from boats used by refugees to Lampedusa. Catherine Duce took us wound Kensington gardens in the rain, S and B. Churches trust on exorcism in C of E. Sent email to Paul about what I think I can manage at the cathedral. He was supposed to ring us. Put the rest of the ornaments back in our bedroom. Changed the shade on the light but when I tried to put the paper shade up at the top of the loft stairs it broke! We clanged for the climate at 6 p.m. with our bells! Strictly. Did not go to organ recital at Sidcup - too far away! 

All Saints. Terrific downpour and flooded roads but by lunch time is was clear blue skies! The bells finished late and I was just about to play Howells Sine nomine when the bell went. Turns out the vestry clock is fast and visiting priest. We sang "I sing a song of the saints of God" and I played Peeters on Ewing and O quanta qualia. Clocks went back an hour. Dennis, Ann Marie and Henry came for lunch - they had a good week in Wexford. Lamb, chocolate and pear dessert - very nice. To St John's for 4. Durufle Requiem went really well. Julia played the cello solo and the soloists were very good. Strictly results. The Larkins. Mating game.


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