April Fools day and forgiveness

Fr Mildew has a good joke about the Pope coming to G20. Godsdogz has the Dominican teddy bear.
At the spirituality day at the cathedral, Claire gave us some useful guidance on forgiveness and its 5 stages.
1. Denial I don't admit I was hurt
2. Anger It's their fault I am hurt
3. Bargaining I set up conditions to be fulfilled before I will forgive
4. Depression It's my fault that I'm hurt
5. Acceptance I look forward to growth from the hurt

Imagine you are on a cruise. The cruise ships sinks but you manage to save yourself by climbing into a lifeboat. Who is the person you would least like to find in the boat? The person you think of is probably someone with whom you have an unhealed hurt.

It occurs to me that the 5 stages also work when I need to ask forgiveness.


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