Catching up!

Wed March 25th to the Queens gallery to see the beautiful Breughel to Rubens exhibition with excellent commentary featuring our friend Jenny Scott! We had tea at a nice Italian place nearby and I went to Lent group and then to extra chorus rehearsal. Thursday Liz went to Birmingham with Jet in the van to take Bruce's stuff and she returned on Saturday and all is well. I went to chorus on Thursday evening and to choir practice on Friday on public transport so decided to go straight there and practise. I am not playing Bairstow's Toccata prelude on "Pange lingua" this Maundy Thursday. I have revived a fine piece by William Wordsworth on "Nicht so traurig" instead. The tune is set to "Go to dark Gethsemane". I kept up the pace at rehearsal but at one point I told choir to shut up so I could explain the plainchant pointing of the psalm. I was mot embarrassed but really there was no alternative! Friday's interfaith lunch gathering at All Saints was interesting. Everyone must vote in the elections or the BNP could get seats! Saturday a quiet day at home and to Vespers and Mass. Fr Brunning's alb too short and with grey socks and trousers which were too short he looked silly! Sunday clocks went forward and we had compline with a small choir and congregation. I played some Bach preludes "Ich ruf zu dir" "O lammes gottes unschuldig" "O sacred head". Enjoyed Antiques roadshow and "The No 1 ladies detective agency". "The white tiger" is a real page-turner! Tuesday 31st rehearsal at St Cyprian's. Today to spirituality day and missed last part. To Union Chapel Islington for the concert which went really well. We ate at the Junction bar - I had pizza and chocolate fudge cake and we were home in time for part of "The apprentice".


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