39 steps

Back to work on Saturday and 55 emails! The reading group had a lively discussion on India and "The white tiger". After Vespers and Mass (celebrant Canon Christopher and some fine organ playing from David Grealy who is playing 11 liturgies this weekend) to Gillian's flat to watch Hitchcock's "39 steps" starring Robert Donat. Hugh Laurie and Peggy Ashcroft in small parts. Surprised how much the plot was changed! Delicious mackerel pate!
Low Sunday played for service with no choir so we sang Rutter Gloria and Vickie cantored Celtic alleluia. People didn't know "Up from the grave he arose" at the end but enjoyed the Hallelujah chorus. I played the Bach variations on "Christ lag in todesbanden". Practised Mendelssohn, Bach Orgelbuchlein and Handel. Meeting and children's service after service next 2 weeks so thinking ahead. Bought Fairtrade tropical muesli and my favourite yoghurt raisins!
Grainne is expecting again! Great news!


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