Palm Sunday

All went well at Coulsdon and we sang Willson's "Hosanna" written for the church. John played his flute in the procession. The passion was read by different readers. The anthem was Ouseley's "Is it nothing to you?" and the setting by Bairstow. It was good to have the 2 girls in for the whole service as there was no Sunday school. I played Bach "Tears of grief" at the end. My Holy Land articles have been much appreciated. To Royal Academy for the new friends tour of the Fine art rooms given by an American called Dave - most interesting and some fine pictures. To St John's Upper Norwood for Via Crucis including Lotti Crucifixus, Blow Salvator mundi, Chilcott's "God do loved the world" and a most effective Prayer for the crucifix by Philip Moore written for Francis Jackson's 80th birthday. Hymns included Vexilla regis, Drop, drop slow tears and It is a thing most wonderful. Watched Antiques roadshow, No 1 ladies detective agency, Sissinghurst and sex education. A good day and lovely weather.


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