A great day

Up early and did May music list. No sign of Ann on Skype. I swam 38 yesterday and 36 on Monday. To Town hall for Unison branch committee meeting and we heard about the proposed learning agreement. Buses and train to the Temple church for Ann-Elise Smoot's recital of Bach and Brahms Passiontide pieces. I thought "O wie selig" a tad fast and the registration of "Aus tiefer not" was too thick at the end. Martin Ball was there and surprised to see me as I vowed not to go there again after being locked out twice! Bus and millennium bridge to Tate Modern. My renewed card worked OK on the Horn exhibition which I did not much care for especially the room of photos of a woman looking at us! My card then did not work for the Russian exhibition so I will have to return. Giant spider in the hall. To the cathedral and arrived early so bought Tablet (at last - renewed subscription not come through yet). Served at Tenebrae which was broadcast on Radio 3 and the singing of Victoria and Casals O vos omnes was just stunning. I was odd candles and Liz even - when I got to number 7 I found it hard to see the top so did the others from the back steps which was better. Thomas dealt with the final lighted candle. The strepitus was truly thunderous. I met Andrew and Louis is now at Whitgift school and in the choir. Also met Simon in the street. Buses to Tate Britain full and it was late so tea at M and S and finished reading Wendell Steavenson's excellent "The weight of a mustard seed" about the appalling events in Iraq. To last of the Lent faith sharing groups and this was the best. Joanna joined us from the Tuesday group and there were 7 in all. The discussion focused on the Spirit as the love linking Father and Son with us and the need for unity and being open to all.
Home to watch "The Apprentice" and the wrong guy got sacked.


Anonymous said…
Have posted Liz's comment..sounds like you were very busy. God bless
Yes busy bit inspired Jackie. Liz seemed hesitant to comment but she hates to get things wrong! Not that stops her commenting on me! John

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