Gaudete Sunday

Debbie was not at practice but arrived for the service. The 3 who did come did well. I played Peeters on Wachet auf and Conditor alme and Num komm der heiden heiland preludes and Reger on Wachet auf. I was horrified to see the crib and Christmas tree up - what is the point when we have a crib service on Dec 24th. Stephen offered a lift home after Midnight and I can go to their home after Mass that evening which will help. The plan had been to borrow AnnMarie's car but she is in Ireland. Jo's op is next week. Practised but then remembered there was a  council meeting in church so stopped. Enjoyed I'm sorry I haven't a clue. Christmas letters and cards all done. Watched Michael Portillo on the continent. Exeter cathedral evensong. Liz worried about condition and did not go out. At evensong we sang Hark what a sound to the Terry tune and Purcell Rejoice - Terence was all over the place! Watched coverage of Madiba's funeral. BBC sports personality of the year is Andy Murray. 


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