
I had a quiet day on Monday after the extractions. The new tree lights needed unravelling and we got them onto the new tree. Tuesday woke too late to swim and Liz set off early to get to St Vincent's school for class nativity. Have since seen the video -  2nd king certainly bigged up his part and the donkey was good! Ciaran did start to sing after Louise mouthed toys at him i.e. his reward! 4 of us visited Nightingale House and Sally Miller went to a lot of trouble to tell us all about it. It was very interesting to hear about dementia care first hand and the facilities are excellent. It is Orthodox Jewish. I returned home as AnnMarie had to go to Dublin as her Dad was in hospital with leg pain. When I got to Glyn Close there was a card to say they had tried to deliver the furniture at 1.15 instead of 2 as arranged last night. It is now coming Friday a.m. I headed for SA house to sing the book of condolence for Mandela and met Liz there! lovely flowers and tributes. Liz went to servers council.I went to the impressive Portcullis House for a meeting in the Grimond room about empowerment of Muslim women. Good speakers, room got very hot and I got a coughing fit eased by a cough sweet from my Somali neighbour! Patricia was there. I enjoyed looking at the fine portraits of politicians in the corridor and got tube and train to Acton. Watched Simon Reeve on pilgrimage. The news featured Obama at service for Mandela.


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