
Monday Dec2 finally arrived. Swam 18. Mosaic and grouting so well covered up. First 3 with vanilla grout went well but the 4th disaster with pieces coming out and running out of time. I dashed off only to have to come back for my phone which was on charge. Met Dennis at Victoria and he bought a tie. Liz was the last to arrive. Getting tickets and gowns was very straightforward and 2 excellent photos were taken and chosen immediately. Lovely to have Bruce there taking photos. Sat with my class - Yasmin and Xavier were missing. The ceremony was most impressive and went well. Liz was with her class nearly all of them came. Saw lots of people I know. Champagne reception - Louise missed it as there were 4 honorary doctorates and a fellowship. Cathy Corcoran and Baroness Hollins spoke well. Musical interludes from Ram wind students. Damian wondered what the second one was - I thought Poulenc. To Catenians and we had 4 visiting gentlemen who are very keen. The status quo prevails regarding ties and regalia.


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