Peter Grimes

Set off early and first train was delayed - problem with doors. I just got the train at Willesden so was there in time to take over from Louise. We went to Tamar's - only got charged £3 this time! It was wet and Liz went back to Trailfinders with Sean. I took Ciaran to swimming and he was excellent and came out at the right time so had a chocolate muffin. To ENO and secret seat at side of dress circle so able to see Gardner's dynamic conducting. All the cast and chorus were excellent and the orchestra thrilling. I had shivers down my spine in the storm interlude and that doesn't happen so often. This score is becoming more and more familiar and revealing many hidden glories. Spotted James O'Donnell in the stalls being a little camp. Also spoke to Debbie briefly. Home to NJ and bus to Selhurst to get car - home by 11.30. Left hat behind! 


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