Martin Baker

Swam 12 as I was late. Liz went off to college. I finished first draft of the article for Xavier. Also finished reading Mark Barrett's Crossing. To St John Smith Square to hear Martin Baker. Excellent Bach and de Grigny. Effective Reger and a sparkling improvisation on a jumpy theme! Apparently he was not too well  -you would not have guessed it. It was good having the screen. The Klais is very fine and a reasonable audience. To Royal Academy to see Sensing Spaces. Fascinating use of light and natural materials by architects. It was great to see the film and to be able to interact on IPads. I loved the Japanese use of cedar wood for the scent and light and the lovely forest with birchwood. Also being able to climb up to the ceiling of the grand rooms. I am considering not renewing my membership of the Friends - the tea room was very crowded again. To National Gallery to see the Vuillard - his technique is fascinating. One tends to miss him against all the Monets and Seurat. To tea and then served at Fr Michael's last public mass at the cathedral. He got a clap after the homily when he spoke of the choir. To Bagattis on the bus for Catenian dinner - 10 there. Lovely to see the Grummitts again but it was very noisy. Lovely food £27 each.
Friday swam 20 and Clare came to get the article about the Pope and breastfeeding from the Tablet. Listened to King's singing Tavener. Played Bach preludes and fugues on piano. 


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