
Monday to mosaic (I was late as trains were delayed). Worked out lettering on 4 blocks. Tai chi was good - my right knee still twinging. Train to Crawley and straight on bus to the hospital. Philip pleased to see me and I gave him a mosaic. Physios were assessing him so I went for a coffee and muffin and when I returned his sister was there. He spoke quite clearly at times and is moving on to thickened liquids. I was amused at Mary trying to stop him writing. He now has a small radio - they can't get digital there! I left at 4.30 straight on a bus and train to Victoria. Met Liz at Pret. Power was off for new street lights. First confirmation session and met everyone. Julie took register and cash upstairs so I went round the room introducing myself. Fr Paolo is very good and clear and I am looking forward to the sessions. I was impressed by the young people. Eugene is among them. Watched film on Mandela. 


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