
 Woke 6.30 up at 8 Blackfriars, St Martin's morning song. Both vaccinated at St Paul's Thornton Heath short wait in the rain - whole thing took about 30 minutes. Then picked up easel and board from Brenda. RSCM talk with John Harper on the Chapels royal of Charles I and Henriette. Mick for over an hour. Father Brown, Come dine with me, Supermarket food secrets, 

Saturday woke at 10.30 dreaming. Blackfriars. Listened to Kate in the rain around Parliament square - St Martin's while taking off tree decorations. Sefarid a most effective film about Oporto synagogue. Lights off tree. Gandhi foundation zoom but it was rather long and most of the items needed subtitles. NT at home Medea brilliant.

Sunday Caterham, Blackfriars beautiful singing of the Chant and a great homily from Fr Bruno. Zoom with Caterham folk. Big tree put away. Belfast radio 4 service. Thanks to Blanaid Murphy for telling us about the lovely RTE broadcast mentioning RSCM. Lovely singing. Evensong from St Paul's. Beautiful Candlemas carols from Portsmouth cathedral and Epiphany carols from Durham cathedral. Antiques roadshow. Great pottery throw down and A perfect planet. Opera by Rossi from Dijon but the modern production did not appeal. 


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