Baptism of the Lord

 Caterham, Upper Norwood both with organ and no singing, Blackfriars, a lively discussion with Caterham folk. JP as annoying as ever. It seems St Mary's are having public worship! Astonished to see Southwark cathedral live streaming a Choral Eucharist whereas Wells was pre-recorded. So much inconsistency - at least the Bishop of London has been clear. The virus is now at its worst and we should not be finding ways to get round the rules. African waterhole series fascinating. The Sunday broadcast featured Martin Palmer on the environment but I wish there had been more practical advice. Songs of Praise from Stirling which we visited in 1964. The top of my left leg is hurting so I am resting it. Great pottery throw down and sock factory both good. Webinar on green schools project.

Monday woke 9.30. Alarm batteries changed. Zoom Spidir committee I have not taken anything on! Liz did first injection OK. Tried to get into zoom on Catherine Ennis but it was full. Zoom Laudato Si' London group went well. St Martin's and Blackfriars and a good talk on Epiphany. Exercises. Caribu with Sean which he enjoyed. Vespers from Belmont - interesting that they coped with top Ds much better today! Finished Christmas Tablet - still awaiting 2 issues which I am reading online. Maidstone circle. Anne Shufflebotham has dementia and is going in a Bearsted care home for a month as a trial. Bridgerton came to a suitable end. There is to be another series. 


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