Uppark and Fidelio

Liz and I spent my day off on a drive to Uppark near Petersfield. Rhododendrons are out. The weather was atrocious going down and it took 2 and a half hours to do 53 miles thanks to traffic and roadworks and a fire on the A3. We had a good lunch and enjoyed the house which is National Trust. We went there years ago with the kids. Liz's aunt Kay RIP gave us life membership of the NT which was a super present. We had tea and cake and toured the exhibition about the disastrous fire of 1989 and the restoration work completed in 1995. By then the sun was out and we walked to the dairy and stables.
I got out at Morden and got the tube up to chorus rehearsal of "Fidelio" with Mark Griffiths from Covent Garden, who is young and enthusiastic. Liz went with Louise to order the wedding cake and came home with the lovely invitation which has a peacock feather theme - very nice!


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