
To the meeting at Wimbledon of the Southwark ecumenical commission of which I am still vice-chair! Parish unity contacts were invited and there 4 of us from Croydon deanery. We saw an excellent DVD of 40 years of Catholic involvement in ecumenism which was inspiring and useful. Lots of men in funny hats giving the kiss of peace! Still we have come a long way but how one longs for true intercommunion!


Anonymous said…
Hey John, what do you mean by intercommunion?
At nearly every ecumenical encounter the desire is expressed for a sharing of the Eucharist. Catholics need to realise tha pain we give and we must all pray for the coming of the day when we will truly be One. There is so much that unites us already. We will be in for some surprises when we reach the heavenly gates!
Anonymous said…
John, thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. I hope you don't mind if I reply a little too...

I'm still not too sure as to what you mean, you seem to be beating around the bush somewhat if you don't mind me saying.

The basic issue is that non-Catholics may not recieve Holy Communion. And I would be extremely upset if one were to do so under normal circumstances.

This is the consistent teaching of Holy Mother Church. And Holy Mother Church is incapable of decieving us that this is the correct thing to do.

As for Catholics recieving Anglican so called "Eucharist", since Anglican orders are "null and void", there isn't actually transubstantiation taking place during an Anglican service. Thus it is not the Eucharist.

There are many possibilities for fruitful and generous ecumenism, such as praying together. Recently I prayed the Rosary with an AngloCatholic. Since then he has decided to convert to Catholicism.

False ecumenism however, drives me and many of my generation, potty as it undermines the Church's teaching.
I think we should be extremely careful about discerning Christ in communion services. We can so easily give offence. Do you go to a meal and refuse to eat the food?
Anonymous said…
Fortunately it is not "we" that have to discern that, as the Church in her wisdom has done it for us in such documents as Dominus Iesus etc.

I don't get at all offended if people don't go to recieve Communion. Indeed I often don't feel worthy to recieve communion and make a spiritual communion instead. It doesn't for a single moment offend me.

Anyway the Mass is more than a meal about "me", how about offending God?
You don't get offended! Lots of other people do! Have a look round at Mass and note how many people do not go to communion for various reasons. Pray for them! Then start praying for our fellow Christians who have faith in the Eucharist. I even know of a Baptist who believes in transsubstantiation! What is the Catholc church's aim? To get everyone to become Catholics? Read "Ut unim sint"!
When I became a Catholic the priest who prepared me that all that had gone before was so important for my spiritual journey, especially the communion I had experienced. And all that has come after that day is important too!

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