
The brake lights failed on the car so it has been public transport since Friday evening. I went to Coulsdon on the train and had a long organ practise before choir practice. As there is no choral evensong this month because various people cannot make the dates suggested, we do not need practices on 2 Fridays. Today I went by train to work. The computers were off all day (pre-arranged) so it was very quiet and I cleared a large backlog of local papers. I cut out items about Battersea. it is shocking how many murders and gang-related incidents there are. Not much good news! I got to the Cathedral in time to be in the congregation for Vespers - normally I am in my servers robes for this. Good to have the 2 Pauls to serve at the diocesan confirmation. Came home on the train and bus with Liz and we watched some snooker while eating pizzas.
I felt so sad this morning - I was thinking about how I need cuddles and love and the tender touch of my Mum when I was a little boy. I think it was saying goodbye to Dennis who had stayed overnight. How much love there is in our family! God be praised for it!
Monday is a holiday here and we go to Bournemouth to sing in the 3 Pearson churches festival at St Stephen's. We are going on the coach. Tuesday the car will hopefully be fixed in time for me to set off to Chepstow and Tintern.


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