Pax Christi and Pentecost Vigil

10 people attended the Cathedral Justice and Peace meeting addressed by Pat Gaffney of Pax Christi. She was so inspiring and spoke about interfaith work and what each of us could do. I said I thought we needed a vision of the epace that each of us can bring and that everyone can make a difference! See Isabel Losada's Tibet how one person can change the world.
At the Pentecost Vigil Mass Bishop John Arnold celebrated confirmation. Liz sang the psalm and Alleluia as she is a catechist. Bishop John's homily was just right and he too spoke of the vision and inspiration we all need and how we need to look again at where we are in our faith journey. He spoke to each candidate before confirming each one - it was a lovely experience. I am sitting in the second row in the photo from "Solomon, I have surpassed thee". We sang "Come down O love divine"! Afterwards there was a reception in the hall. Thanks to Padre Rob for the Maronite and Coptic icons of Pentecost! I have started wearing my little wooden Pax Christi cross from Bethlehem to support our Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters.


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