
Swam 28 lengths with Liz - only stopped because of rescuing car before the meters start. Long chat to Ann on Skype. To St Michael's for excellent recital by Nigel Kerry from Cambridge including some fine Langlais (Chant de Paix and Chant heroique), Franck chorale No 3 and Reger Dankpsalm. The third meeting of the catehdral interfaith group and 7 people came. An enjoyable discussion and we looked at the gospel about the centurion's servant and Alfred Agius's summaries of Catholic documents. To the National Portrait gallery and saw a display in Trafalgar Square using photos from all over the world - a lucogram or some such word. They were giving away free energy saving light bulbs but I already had too much to carry! Chorus rehearsed with Aidan Oliver for the Classic FM concert.



Yes, I am learning, following your example but I am still unsure how to manage the blog yet.

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